

LOGO UNISMA "Awalnya ada dua calon yaitu Donnat ( Denny madrus ) dan Barep ( Barep achmad saddam ), setelah musyawarah (tidak ada votting dalam pemilihan KAHIM HUMAN UNISMA) muncullah hasilnya bahwasanya kami sepakat untuk memilih sdr. ... Sayangnya kemarin di MUBES belum sempat ternbahas karena ada statement " Logo M Nasional kita sampai saat ini masih diakui oleh nasional, karna konflik Logo terjadi setelah MUNAS sebelumnya di bandung, jadi ... Logo UNISMA Malang (Universitas Islam Malang). Diposkan oleh Isnanto Adi Prasetyo. Logo UNISMA Malang (Universitas Islam Malang). download Logo UNISMA Malang (Universitas Islam Malang) . cdr. Categories Universitas ...

LOGO UNISMA English Debating Forum (EDFO UNISMA) on Malang Debating Union (MDU). 2012 becomes the year of the history for Malang Debaters, it's time for the establishment of Malang Debating Union (MDU). 21 January 2012 is the ... Unisma Students' Activeness in Speaking. 21 04 2009. The students' capacity and skills in English will be known in their speakings. It is the simple way to measure their capabilities through speaking whether they can speak ...


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