DESIGN LOGO We keep going through our weekly journey checking out great logos! We're thinking ahead and we want to find new topics, good ones, to share with you guys. Last week we featured more logos with llamas and alpacas, and ... I'm crazy for anything pink. (As if you didn't already know that, right?) So when I was asked to design a logo for a nail spa called Pink Vanilla, I jumped to work right away! The client wanted an uncomplicated but obviously girly ...
DESIGN LOGO 2. I don`t favor showing the "e" inside the shape and I want a better idea than the E. Also, it might be a god idea to increase the width for the 3 shapes. 3. My business name is: Ansar Net 4. My Slogan is: Internet & App Solutions 5. Please use ... Nautical themed logo designs have remained popular for years, particularly in seaside towns and cities as businesses and restaurants preserve their coastal.

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