
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


LOGO ISLAM CRICKET TEAM EASES MUSLIM PLAYER'S RELIGIOUS "DISCOMFORT" ALLOWS HIM NOT TO WEAR JERSEY WITH SPONSOR'S LOGO. Fawad Ahmed will raise a hard-earned thirst in the one-day cricket series against ... Muslim player did not wear the logo of brewing company VB on his shirt during his international debut in last week. Tweet. World Bulletin / News Desk. Cricket Australia have agreed to a request from spinner Fawad Ahmed not ...

LOGO ISLAM The design of the symbol has been endowed with characteristics of the sacred in Islam: the color yellow used in the background signifies the golden Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the hand depicted in the color black denotes the black .... Brotherhood understands the significance of disguising their true Islamist agenda, which is why they rebranded their name to the Freedom and Justice Party and removed images of the Quran and crossed swords from their logo. PENGASINGAN INI PERLU DIPERSETUJUI DAN DILULUSKAN DALAM PERUNTUKAN UNDANG-UNDANG..! selama ini cinabeng cukup mempertahankan hak cinabengnya dalam isu yang berkaitan dengan ras.

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